His main function is to help unfold his true self.
Equal to his function is helping others to become strong,
and perfect themselves as unique individuals.
He will do this best by affording all persons
the opportunity to show their feelings,
express their aspirations and share their dreams.
He must see the forces labeled “evil”
as emanating from suffering people who,
like himself, are “human” and in the process
of attempting to perfect their “beings”.
He must combat these forces of evil through
an active love which is deeply concerned
and interested in each person’s free quest for self-discovery.
He must believe that it is not the world that is ugly,
bitter and destructive,
but it is what man has done to the world that
makes it appear it so.
He must be a model. Not a model of perfection,
a state not often reached by man,
but a model human being.
For being a good human being is the greatest thing he can be.
He must be able to forgive himself for being less than perfect.
He must understand that change is inevitable,
and that when it is directed in love and self-realization
it is always good.
He must be convinced that behavior,
to be learned, must be tried out.
“to be is to do.’
He must learn that he cannot be loved by
all men.
That is the ideal. In the world of men,
it is not often found.
He can be the finest plum in
the world, ripe, juicy, sweet, succulent and
offer himself to all.
But he must remember that
there will be men who do not like plums.
He must understand that if he is the world’s
finest plum and someone he loves does not like plums,
he has the choice of becoming a banana.
But he must be warned that if he chooses to become a banana,
he will be a second rate banana.
But he can always be the best plum.
He must realize that if he chooses to be a second rate banana,
he runs the risk of the loved one finding him
second best and,
wanting only the best, discarding him.
He can then spend his life trying to become the
best banana – which is impossible if he is a plum –
or he can seek again to be the best plum.
He must endeavor to love all men even if
He isn’t loved by them.
He doesn’t love to be loved; he loves to love.
He must reject no man, for he realizes that
He is a part of every man and to reject
even one man, is to reject himself.
He must know that if he loves all men and
is rejected by one,
he must not pull away in fear, pain, disappointment or anger.
It is not the other man’s fault.
He was not ready for what was offered.
Love was not offered him with conditions.
He gave Love because he was fortunate enough to have it to give,
because he felt joy in the giving, not for what he
would receive in return.
He must understand that, if he is rejected in one love,
there are hundreds of others awaiting love.
The idea that there is but one right love is deception.
The are many right loves.
Razor hot
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